Upper GI endoscopy

Diagnostic upper GI endoscopy £ 1,600

Therapeutic upper GI endoscopy £2,000

Combined, diagnostic upper GI endoscopy & colonoscopy £2,500

Fees for self-funding patients include private en-suite room with meal, nursing care on ward, in endoscopy and in theatre recovery area, IV cannulation, endoscopy suite and theatre equipment, sedation and local anaesthetic spray, hospital administration and Dr Maiden’s fee. Concessions with private health insurers.

Also called an endoscopy, gastroscopy or OGD, this diagnostic examination takes about 5-6 minutes to perform. It is undertaken using a long flexible instrument called a gastroscope which is about the width of your little finger. It is passed through your mouth and into your stomach and duodenum (the first part of your small bowel). It allows Dr Maiden to look directly at the lining of the oesophagus (gullet), stomach and duodenum. It also allows tissue samples to be removed painlessly which can then be sent to the laboratory for analysis. The test usually takes approximately five minutes or so to complete but therapeutic procedures (to place a feeding tube or stop bleeding, for example) may take a little longer. Your total stay in the hospital is likely to be 3-4 hours to allow for admission and recovery time. The test can usually be performed using a spray to numb the throat, however we do offer a sedative for those who feel they require it. This sedative will help you to relax but you will still be able to feel sensations, hear what we say to you and follow simple instructions during the test. You may not remember anything for a short time after the test if you have sedation. The sedation can stay in your system for up to 24 hours so if you choose to have sedation for the procedure you will not be able to drive, drink alcohol, sign legal documents, operate machinery or look after small children in that time. A responsible adult must collect you from the endoscopy unit, take you home and stay with you for 24 hours after the procedure if you do chose to have sedation.